The book drops TOMORROW AUGUST 23RD! Thank you to everyone who has pre-ordered it, told friends and family, reblogged about it, and in general helped it become an Amazon bestseller in TWO DIFFERENT CATEGORIES! (LGBTQ YA, and LGBT Romance).

On a personal note, my dad passed away 3 years ago today; I’d like to think he’ll be my guardian angel over the next day or two as the book officially launches. He was so proud of my play writing work, and he was also one of the kindest and most loving people I’ve ever known. And this is indeed a love story (if a kind of skewed one), so his fingerprints will be all over it along with mine.

In related news, Pegasus Publications is moving forward with Book #2, “The Deep End of the Pool",” which should be out early next year! More details to follow.


We have a cover and a date!